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Fundraising Officer 개인후원관리/커뮤니케이션 2명 (채용시 마감)
2025-01-24(금) 00:00 ~
2025-02-28(금) 23:59
Fundraising Officer(개인후원관리/커뮤니케이션) 2명 채용
WWF(세계자연기금)은 하나뿐인 지구의 환경오염을 막고 생물다양성을 보전하며 인류가 직면한 기후 위기에 대응하기 위해 전 세계 100여개 국에서 활동하는 세계 최대 자연 보전 기관, 글로벌 NGO 입니다.
한국WWF는 마케팅&펀드레이징 디비젼 소속의 모금팀 오피서 2명을 채용합니다.
포지션 1) ‘멤버십 - 후원회원/리텐션 관리 담당’은 후원회원 유지 관리를 위한 멤버십 프로그램 전략 수립, 시행 및 전반적인 운영 등을 통해 한국WWF 에 로열티를 가진 멤버십을 기반으로 개인후원회원 유지 및 후원 관리 현황을 트래킹하고 안정적인 환경 보전 기금을 조성하는 주요한 업무를 담당합니다.
포지션 2) ‘멤버십 디지털 - 후원회원 온라인 콘텐츠/커뮤니케이션 담당’은 잠재후원회원(리드젠)과 기존후원 회원의 유지 관리와 신규후원회원 개발을 위한 디지털/온라인 채널 콘텐츠 제작 및 커뮤니케이션 업무를 바탕으로 지구를 지키는 기금 조성에 주요한 업무를 담당합니다.

- 채용 인원: 2명
- 포 지 션:
- Membership & Rentention Officer (Individual Donor Relations/Care, 후원회원 & 리텐션 관리)
- Digital Donor Contents Marketing Officer (Individual Donor Communication, 후원회원 온라인 콘텐츠/커뮤니케이션) - 팀 / 부서: 펀드레이징(모금) 팀 / 마케팅 & 펀드레이징 디비젼
- 고용 형태: 1년 계약직(3개월 수습 기간 포함) - 모든 포지션은 계약직으로 시작하며, 평가에 따라 계약 연장 및 무기계약직(정규직) 전환 가능
- 근무 조건: 연 18일 휴가, 주 1회 재택근무 및 장기근속자 안식휴가 제도 등 운영
- 근 무 지: 한국WWF 오피스 (서울시 종로구 종로 47 SC제일은행본점빌딩 15층)
- 직무 별 상세 내용:
포지션 1) Membership & Retention Officer (Individual Donor Relations/Care, 후원회원 & 리텐션 관리)기본 역할 및 포지션 목표
- Strengthen and improve the Membership & Retention Marketing Program to make it more valuable and efficient.
- Retain members and manage donations from individual supporters.
- Maintain high membership quality to boost retention and increase donations.
- Increase the lifetime value of members to ensure long-term financial support for the organization.
- Oversee the member experience by following individual donor care strategies that drive engagement and loyalty.
- Make sure members feel informed, appreciated, and know their donations are making a difference.
- Handle administrative tasks for the Membership & Retention Marketing Program
담당 업무
Position and Job Summary본 포지션은 개인 후원회원과의 긴밀한 관계를 유지하고 관리하는 데 매우 중요한 직책입니다. 한국WWF 멤버십 리텐션 & 마케팅 프로그램을 관리하고, 후원회원과의 소통을 관리하며, 외부 에이전시 파트너와 협력하여 양질의 후원회원 관리 및 운영하는 역할을 수행합니다.The position will focus on building and maintaining strong relationships with individual donors to ensure long-term support for WWF-Korea’s mission. This role includes managing the WWF-Korea Membership Program, overseeing donor engagement, and working with external agency partners to ensure high-quality donor care and retention.Key Responsibilities[국문 요약]- 후원회원 관리 및 멤버십 리텐션 & 마케팅 프로그램 운영: 개인후원회원과의 지속가능한 관계 구축을 위한 정기적 관리와 멤버십 프로그램 운영을 통해 기존 회원 유지 및 후원 수익 증대에 기여합니다.
- 후원회원 에이전시 파트너 관리: 후원센터, 콜센터, 굿즈배송센터 등의 후원회원 관리 에이전시 기부자 관리 에이전시 파트너와의 관계와 과업 수행 현황을 모니터링하고 관리합니다.
- 후원회원 데이터 및 시스템 관리: CRM 시스템 관리를 통한 후원회원 정보와 관련 활동이 적절히 기록되고 추적될 수 있도록 합니다. 후원 납입 처리 관리와 결과 보고를 통해 후원회원 패턴과 트렌드 분석 및 인사이트를 제공합니다.
1. Donor Relationship Management- Build lasting relationships with individual donors, ensuring they feel valued and informed.
- Thank donors and provide regular updates on the impact of their contributions.
- Handle donor inquiries and concerns in a professional and timely manner.
2. Membership Program Management and Retention- Improve the Membership & Retention Marketing Program to increase value and efficiency.
- Retain existing members and manage income from individual donations.
- Maximize the lifetime value of members to support long-term financial sustainability.
3. Donor Care Agency Partner Management- Monitor and manage relationships with donor care agency partners, ensuring they meet performance standards.
- Coordinate with external partners on donor communications and activities.
- Provide feedback to agencies to ensure alignment with WWF-Korea’s donor care goals.
4. Donor Data Management- Accurately enter and maintain donor information in the CRM system, ensuring that all interactions are properly recorded and tracked.
- Ensure the timely and accurate processing of donations, including credit card payments, checks, and online gifts.
- Prepare donor reports and provide data insights to the fundraising team regarding giving patterns and donor trends.
5. Team and Relevant Administrative Support- Handle administrative tasks related to the membership program, such as processing donations and updating donor records.
- Support campaigns and events that engage members and attract new donors.
- Assist with donor recognition activities, such as thank-you notes and event invitations.
◈ This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from staff. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs자격 요건
1. KnowledgeBachelor’s degree in Marketing, Nonprofit Member/Donor Management, Communications, or related field2. SkillA. Strong written and verbal communication skills.B. Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.C. Experience with donor management systems and CRM software.D. Ability to manage multiple tasks and work independently.E. Experience working with third-party agency partners is a plus.3. Personal AttributesA. Passion for WWF-Korea’s mission and core values.B. Proactive, solution-oriented, and able to manage relationships well.C. Strong interpersonal skills and a commitment to donor-focused practicesD. Collaborative, team-oriented, and eager to contribute to overall fundraising success.우대 사항
- Knowledge: Preferred plus 1 to 5 years’ experiences in any equivalent sector such as marketing, CRM, customer service, fundraising/donor care, and so on.
- Language: Native in Korean, and professional level in English
포지션2) Digital Donor Contents Marketing Officer (Individual Donor Communication, 후원회원 온라인 콘텐츠/커뮤니케이션)기본 역할 및 포지션 목표
- Make the WWFK Membership Program stable more with increased value & efficiency.
- Retain members and manage income from individual members.
- Manage membership quality for strong retention & donation increase.
- Finding of way to secure HNW donors and extend its pool.
- Improve member’s lifetime value for the organization’s sustainable financial support.
- Manages, and tracks the member experience under donor care strategies and action plans for driving engagement, and fostering loyalty.
- Ensures members feel informed, acknowledged, and appreciated that their donations make a difference.
- Manage and carry out administrative duties for the WWF-Korea membership program.
담당 업무
Position and Job Summary본 포지션은 디지털 마케팅과 커뮤니케이션을 통해 개별 기부자 회원 프로그램을 성장시키는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 담당자는 온라인 채널 콘텐츠를 통해 기부자와 소통하고, 온라인 기부 증대와 후원회원 멤버십 관리/유지 과업을 수행합니다.This role will be key in growing the Individual Donor Membership Program through digital marketing and communications. The officer will create and manage online fundraising campaigns, engage donors through digital platforms, and develop strategies to boost online donations. The position focuses on building awareness, inspiring action, and fostering long-term support from individual donors.Key Responsibilities[국문 요약]- 후원회원 유지 관리 및 후원 캠페인 커뮤니케이션: 이메일, 소셜 미디어 및 기타 온라인 플랫폼을 통해 잠재적 및 기존 기부자와의 관계를 구축하고 유지합니다.
- 온라인 후원 캠페인 콘텐츠 마케팅: 이메일, 소셜 미디어 및 온라인 기부 페이지 등 디지털 채널을 통해 잠재후원회원(리드젠)의 후원을 유도할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 기획, 제작합니다.
- 후원회원 디지털 밍글링 콘텐츠: 후원회원과의 정기적인 소통을 위한 온라인 후원 콘텐츠를 통해, 시기 적절한 후원회원 감사, 예우, 응대 등의 밍글링을 담당합니다.
1. Donor Member Engagement and Communication- Engage and nurture relationships with potential and existing donors through email, social media, and other digital platforms.
- Personalize donor communication to ensure relevance and increase engagement with digital campaigns.
- Monitor and respond to donor inquiries on digital channels, ensuring a positive donor experience.
2. Digital Fundraising Campaigns- Develop and implement digital fundraising campaigns to attract and retain individual donors.
- Create compelling content for digital channels that motivate donors to give, including email, social media, and online donation pages.
- Coordinate with the marketing and fundraising teams to ensure campaigns align with overall division goals.
3. Digital Content Creation & Strategy- Write persuasive and engaging content for digital fundraising initiatives, including emails, newsletters, social media posts, and web copy.
- Develop a content calendar for digital communications to ensure regular and timely outreach to donors.
- Collaborate with the design team to create visually appealing and impactful fundraising materials.
4. Donor Member Stewardship and Reporting- Track and analyze the performance of digital fundraising campaigns, using data to optimize future campaigns.
- Use donor data to segment audiences and tailor communications to different donor groups.
- Ensure that digital donors feel appreciated and informed by sending timely thank-you messages, impact reports, and updates.
5. Team and Relevant Administrative Support- Handle administrative tasks related to the membership program, such as processing donations and updating donor records.
- Support campaigns and events that engage members and attract new donors.
- Assist with donor recognition activities, such as thank-you notes and event invitations.
◈ This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from staff. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs자격 요건
1. KnowledgeA. At least 1 year of experience in digital fundraising, marketing, or communications.B. Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Marketing, Digital Media, or equivalent experience.2. SkillE. Strong written and verbal communication skills, with a focus on persuasive, donor-centered messaging.F. Experience with email marketing platforms, social media management tools, and online donation systems.G. Familiarity with data analysis tools and the ability to interpret and act on campaign metrics.3. Personal AttributesH. Passion for WWF-Korea’s mission and core values.I. Creative, proactive, and able to think strategically about donor engagement.J. Strong attention to detail and ability to manage multiple projects at once.K. Collaborative, team-oriented, and eager to contribute to overall fundraising success.우대 사항
- Knowledge: Preferred plus 3 years’ experience in any equivalent sector such as marketing, CRM, customer service, fundraising/donor care, etc.
- Language: Native in Korean, and professional level in English
- 채용 절차
서류전형 > 온라인 인적성 검사 > 1차 실무 면접 > 레퍼런스 체크 > 2차 임원 면접 > 최종 합격 - 서류 접수 및 문의: 한국WWF 채용 담당자에게 지원서 이메일(recruitment@wwfkorea.or.kr)접수 및 문의
*메일 제목: 모금팀 오피서_(지원 포지션)_(이름)
1) 국/영문 이력서 (CV)
2) 영문 자기소개서 (Cover letter)
3) 레퍼런스 확인을 위한 최소 2 개 이상의 연락처 (1차 면접 합격자에 한해 요청함)
4) '개인정보 수집 및 이용 수칙 동의서' (Agreement on the Collection and Usage of Personal Information) – 첨부파일 참조 - 접수 마감: 수시 모집으로 채용 시 마감
- 이전글Executive Assistant (채용시 마감) 24.12.20